Episode 18- Bipolar Disorder

In the second episode of our “Art of Psychiatry” series, we will discuss bipolar disorder, a chronic mood disorder that affects 1% of the population. We’ll start by reviewing the diagnostic criteria for bipolar 1 and bipolar 2 disorder. We’ll then spend some time discussing mania, a key feature of bipolar disorder. What is it like to interview a manic patient? What questions should you ask them? What else is on the differential? And what medications are used to treat bipolar disorder? We’ll also feature songs and writings about bipolar disorder to help you understand the disease from a patient’s perspective.

Photo credit: Thomas Hawk, “It’s Certainly a Thrill,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

Nirvana, “Lithium,” Nevermind

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