
In the final episode of our personality disorder series, we will dig deeper into cluster C personality disorders. We’ll review the three cluster C personality disorders (avoidant, dependent, and obsessive compulsive) and specifically focus on effective communication strategies to use when working with these patients. Using a few different clinical examples, we’ll highlight both helpful and less helpful ways to interact with patients who have cluster C personality disorders.

Photo credit: Jeremy Brooks, “Fail to Understand,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

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In this episode of our personality disorder series, we will dig deeper into cluster B personality disorders. Many clinicians struggle working with patients who have cluster B personality disorders since they can trigger very intense emotional reactions in the providers who care for them! We’ll discuss the importance of cultivating empathy and describe common challenges when working with this group of patients. We’ll then focus on effective communication strategies to use when working with patients who have cluster B personality disorders or traits. Using a clinical example, we’ll highlight both helpful and less helpful ways to interact with patients who have cluster B personality disorders.

Photo credit: Ed Scott Livingston, “Frantic,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

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In this episode of our personality disorder series, we will dig deeper into cluster A personality disorders. We’ll specifically focus on effective communication strategies to use when working with these patients. Using a clinical example, we’ll highlight both helpful and less helpful ways to interact with patients who have cluster A personality disorders.

Photo credit: Tydence Davis, “Cactus and moonlight,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

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What is the difference between a personality and a personality disorder? When do personality disorders arise, and what do they look like?  In our new series on personality disorders, we’ll discuss all of this and more. We’ll review the 3 personality clusters (cluster A, cluster B, and cluster C) and describe the 10 different personality disorders included in those clusters. We won’t just list off the DSM criteria here…We’ll give some vivid examples of each of the personality disorders to help you to differentiate them in clinical practice.

Photo credit: Dimity B., “Boy with Alexander Calder Sculpture,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

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In the final episode of our Picture This series on the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, we discuss how to talk about suicide at both the individual and societal level. We’ll discuss how characters in the show react to Hannah’s  mental health crisis and then explore strategies for what to do when someone discloses suicidal thoughts to you. We’ll also examine the public health reaction and controversy around the series 13 Reasons Why, focusing especially on the concerns raised about the depiction of Hannah’s death. We’ll discuss how the show has influenced national discourse on mental health and suicide, examining both its helpful and potentially harmful effects on more vulnerable viewers.

Photo credit: Darren Finders, “Abandoned- RAF Steingot Lincolshire,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

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In the second episode of our Picture This series, we will use the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why as a vehicle for exploring and understanding reactions to suicide. The characters in the show have a wide range of reactions to suicide, which span from anger to grief to altruism. We discuss these different reactions in the show and explore their meaning. We also discuss the concept of violent death, how it differs from natural death, and how it impacts the grieving process.

Photo credit: Tydence Davis, “Cactus and moonlight,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

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In the first episode of our Picture This series, we will use the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why as a vehicle for discussing and understanding suicide. Why do people die by suicide or engage in suicidal behaviors? We will discuss several main theories including the interpersonal theory of suicide, Linehan’s theory of suicidal behavior, and Beck’s cognitive theory of suicide. We will also review chronic risks factors for suicide and psychological warning signs that suggest an individual is at high risk of suicide.

Photo credit: Can Birand, “Window closes, shock rolls over in a tide wave,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

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In the fourth and final episode of our “Art of Psychiatry” series, we will discuss anxiety disorders. We’ll start by discussing the  purpose of anxiety, why it is often a normal reaction to stressful circumstances, and what it looks like when anxiety becomes more maladaptive and functionally impairing. We’ll provide an overview of common anxiety disorders, disclose a few tips on how to interact with patients with anxiety disorders, and discuss how to how to conceptualize anxiety when you are conducting an interview. As usual, we’ll feature some of our favorite songs and writings about anxiety to help you better understand the disease from a patient’s perspective.

Photo Credit: ahgottt, “CIMG 020,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

Green Day, “Basket Case,” Dookie

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In the third episode of our “Art of Psychiatry” series, we will discuss schizophrenia, a chronic mental illness that affects 1% of the population. We will focus especially on the patient experience of what it’s like to live with schizophrenia. We’ll start by reviewing the key symptoms of schizophrenia as well as other diagnoses to consider in your differential. We’ll then discuss what it’s like to interview a patient with schizophrenia and provide some tips for your next interview. As usual, we’ll feature songs and writings about schizophrenia to help you better understand the disease from a patient’s perspective.

Photo Credit: sjugge, “Ohe en Laak,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

The Beach Boys, “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” Pet Sounds

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In the second episode of our “Art of Psychiatry” series, we will discuss bipolar disorder, a chronic mood disorder that affects 1% of the population. We’ll start by reviewing the diagnostic criteria for bipolar 1 and bipolar 2 disorder. We’ll then spend some time discussing mania, a key feature of bipolar disorder. What is it like to interview a manic patient? What questions should you ask them? What else is on the differential? And what medications are used to treat bipolar disorder? We’ll also feature songs and writings about bipolar disorder to help you understand the disease from a patient’s perspective.

Photo credit: Thomas Hawk, “It’s Certainly a Thrill,” Flickr

Episode Music Credits: Javier Suárez, Tumbling Dishes, Better With Music

Nirvana, “Lithium,” Nevermind

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